Chemical Transfer Pump
Magnetic Drive Pump
Fiberglass Pump
Horizontal High Flow Chemical Transfer Pump
With base plate
The new CGK and CMK pump is developed to handle corrosive
liquids with flowrate from 200 m3/h to 4,000 m3/h with discharge
pressure from 2.5 m to 40 m. Impeller is high efficiency
semi-open or closed impeller is also available. Pumps are available
as closed coupled version and base plate version. Pumps are mainly use
in seawater pumping, Aquarium, fish farming, scrubber systems, metal
finishing and plating industries.
Horizontal High Flow Chemical Transfer Pump
Closed coupled version
The new CGK and CMK pump is developed to handle corrosive
liquids with flowrate from 200 m3/h to 4,000 m3/h with discharge
pressure from 2.5 m to 40 m. Impeller is high efficiency
semi-open or closed impeller is also available. Pumps are available
as closed coupled version and base plate version. Pumps are mainly use
in seawater pumping, Aquarium, fish farming, scrubber systems, metal
finishing and plating industries.
Horizontal Fiberglass Chemical Pump
With magnetic drive
ANSI/ASME B73.1 Standard
Pump is constructed from thick fiberglass with vinyl
easter or epoxy resin. Pump can withstand corrosive
chemical with temperature up to 120 degree C.
Semi-opened impeller with rear back vanes for
axial self-balancing, wih encapsulated metallic insert.
Single or Double mechanical seal are available
EPDM, Viton and PTFE elastomer.
Horizontal Fiberglass Chemical Pump
With mechanical seal with base plate
ANSI/ASME B73.1 Standard
Pump is constructed from thick fiberglass with vinyl
easter or epoxy resin. Pump can withstand corrosive
chemical with temperature up to 120 degree C.
Semi-opened impeller with rear back vanes for
axial self-balancing, wih encapsulated metallic insert.
Single or Double mechanical seal are available
EPDM, Viton and PTFE elastomer.
Horizontal Fiberglass Chemical Pump
Closed coupled version
ANSI/ASME B73.1 Standard
Pump is constructed from thick fiberglass with vinyl
easter or epoxy resin. Pump can withstand corrosive
chemical with temperature up to 120 degree C.
Semi-opened impeller with rear back vanes for
axial self-balancing, wih encapsulated metallic insert.
Single or Double mechanical seal are available
EPDM, Viton and PTFE elastomer.