Verderflex Hose Pump
The Verderflex Economy range of peristaltic tube pumps are simple to use, manual control, cost effective cased drive tube pumps. Ideal for intermittent, bench top use in laboratories and process environments, this compact range is ideal for transferring, harsh, abrasive, shear sensitive or viscous fluids.

Verderflex Industrial Peristaltic Pump / Hose Pump
Working Principle
- The peristaltic pump is based on alternating compression and relaxation of the hose or tube drawing the contents into the hose or tube, operating in a similar way to our throat and intestines.
- A rotating shoe or roller passes along the length of the hose or tube totally compressing it and creating a seal between suction and discharge side fo the pump, eliminating product slip
- Upon restitution of the hose or tube a strong vacuum is formed drawing product into the pump.
- The medium to be pumped does not come into contact with any moving parts and is totally contained within a robust, heavy-duty
- The pumping action makes the pump suitable for accurate dosing applications and has a pressure rating up to 16 bar (hose) and 2
bar (tube). The high pressure hose has inner layer 2-6 reinforcement layers and an outer layer, which allow higher working pressures and generate higher suction lifts than non re-enforced tubing.